Organic Chemistry Portal



Rapid and Solvent-Free Synthesis of Homoallyl or Homopropargyl Alcohols Mediated by Zinc Powder

Jin-xian Wang*, Xuefeng Jia, Tuanjie Meng, Li Xin

*Institute of Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Northwest Normal University, 967 An Ning Road (E.), Lanzhou 730070, P. R. China, Email:

J.-X. Wang, X. Jia, T. Meng, L. Xin, Synthesis, 2005, 2669-2672.

DOI: 10.1055/s-2005-872178

see article for more reactions


A rapid and efficient procedure for the solvent-free synthesis of homoallylic and homopropargyl alcohols has been achieved by zinc-mediated Barbier-type reaction of carbonyl compounds at room temperature.

see article for more examples

Cobalt(I)-Catalyzed Stereoselective Olefination of Alkylzinc Reagents with Aldehydes

J.-X. Wang, Y. Fu, Y. Hu, K. Wang, Synthesis, 2003, 1506-1510.

Key Words

zinc powder, solvent-free, addition, homoallylic alcohols, homopropargyl alcohols, carbonyl compounds, Barbier reaction

ID: J66-Y2005-1880