Organic Chemistry Portal



Transition-Metal-Free Carboxylation of Organozinc Reagents Using CO2 in DMF Solvent

Koji Kobayashi and Yoshinori Kondo*

*Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tohoku University, Aramaki-aza aoba 6-3, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8578, Japan, Email:

K. Kobayashi, Y. Kondo, Org. Lett., 2009, 11, 2035-2037.

DOI: 10.1021/ol900528h


The presence of LiCl enabled an efficient process for the carboxylation of functionalized organozinc reagents with CO2 in DMF as solvent.

see article for more examples

Key Words

Carboxylation (Arenes, Alkanes, Alkenes)

ID: J54-Y2009-1440