Organic Chemistry Portal



Fluoride-induced trifluoromethylation of carbonyl compounds with trifluoromethyltrimethylsilane (TMS-CF3). A trifluoromethide equivalent

G. K. Surya Prakash*, Ramesh Krishnamurti, George A. Olah

*Loker Hydrocarbon Research Institute and Department of Chemistry, UniVersity of Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90089-1661, Email:

G. K. S. Prakash, R. Krishnamurti, G. A. Olah, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1989, 111, 393-395.

DOI: 10.1021/ja00183a073


The use of TMS-CF3 enables a versatile nucleophilic trifluoromethylation of carbonyl compounds. The reaction is induced by fluoride ions.

see article for more examples

Nucleophilic Trifluoromethylation of N-Tosyl Aldimines

G. K. S. Prakash, M. Mandal, G. A. Olah, Synlett, 2001, 77-78.

Key Words


ID: J48-Y1989