Organic Chemistry Portal



Pd-Catalyzed Hydroborylation of Alkynes: A Ligand Controlled Regioselectivity Switch for the Synthesis of α- or β-Vinylboronates

Devi Prasan Ojha and Kandikere Ramaiah Prabhu*

*Department of Organic Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, Karnataka, India, Email:

D. P. Ojha, K. R. Prabhu, Org. Lett., 2016, 18, 432-435.

DOI: 10.1021/acs.orglett.5b03416

see article for more reactions


A high α-selectivity of a ligand controlled selective hydroborylation of terminal alkynes to α-vinylboronates using a Pd catalyst can be switched to furnish β-vinylboronates by altering the ligand from a trialkylphosphine to N-heterocyclic carbene. Various terminal alkynes furnish the corresponding α- or β-vinylboronates in excellent selectivity and yield.

see article for more examples

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ID: J54-Y2016