Organic Chemistry Portal



Dod-S-Me and Methyl 6-Morpholinohexyl Sulfide (MMS) as New Odorless Borane Carriers

Pranab K. Patra, Kiyoharu Nishide*, Kaoru Fuji, Manabu Node*

*Department of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Chemistry, Kyoto Pharmaceutical University, Misasagi, Yamashina, Kyoto 607-8414, Japan, Email:,

P. K. Patra, K. Nishide, K. Fuji, M. Node, Synthesis, 2004, 1003-1006.

DOI: 10.1055/s-2004-822338

see article for more examples


Odorless Dod-S-Me and MMS are developed as efficient borane carriers. The yields of hydroborations and reductions with the borane complex of Dod-S-Me are very high. The recovery of Dod-S-Me after the reaction is quantitative.

see article for more examples

see article for more reactions

New odorless method for the Corey-Kim and Swern oxidations utilizing dodecyl methyl sulfide (Dod-S-Me)

S.-I. Ohsugi, K. Nishide, K. Oono, K. Okuyama, M. Fudesaka, S. Kodama, M. Node, Tetrahedron, 2003, 59, 8393-8398.

Key Words

odorless, sulfides, borane, hydroboration, reduction (esters, nitriles, amides)

ID: J66-Y2004-2050