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300*250 Pixels, png, gif, jpg, html, max 40 KBytes for all data (html: max 3 external files)
The square is shown at and at

Price List

Please also read the subsequent remarks concerning the filtering of double clicks and the amount of none-trackable interactions of people with Privacy protection (addons) to understand our price model.

minimum booking volume: 500 referred users (accoding to GA4)
USD, CHF, GBP, AUD, NZD on request.
per UV 1.00 EUR  
per UV (incl. 20% volume discount) 0.80 EUR discount schedule 

To avoid the problems of click fraud and inadvertent double clicks, we use Google Analytics 4 with a data retention of 14 months to determine how many users have been referred. You only pay per users. In the example depicted below, you would pay for 146 users. These people have clicked 213 times.

However, please note that a few browsers block Google Analytics 4. This hidden traffic of up to 20% currently can only be measured by using for example a link shortener or careful analysis of your logfiles using a specific landing page (see best practises PDF). We recommend that you use a neutral tool for all incoming paid traffic so the data and the costs are comparable. You can then also better estimate how much the advertising service provider's data deviates in your or his favor.

Available Discounts

You can find introductory offers and volume discounts in our discount schedule

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