Organic Chemistry Portal



Stille Couplings Catalytic in Tin:  A "Sn-F" Approach

Robert E. Maleczka and William P. Gallagher

*Department of Chemistry, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, Email:

R. E. Maleczka, W. P. Gallagher, Org. Lett., 2001, 3, 4173-4176.

DOI: 10.1021/ol016792z

see article for more reactions


PMHS activated by KF allows Me3SnH to be efficiently recycled during a Pd(0)-catalyzed hydrostannation/Stille cascade. This protocol offers short reaction times and proceeds through Me3SnF intermediate.

see article for more examples

Key Words

Stille coupling, 1,3-Dienes, PMHS

ID: J54-Y2001