Heck Vinylations Using Vinyl Sulfide, Vinyl Sulfoxide, Vinyl Sulfone, or Vinyl Sulfonate Derivatives and Aryl Bromides Catalyzed by a Palladium Complex Derived from a Tetraphosphine
Ahmed Battace, Touriya Zair, Henri Doucet*, Maurice Santelli*
*UMR 6180 CNRS and Université d"Aix-Marseille III: ‘Chirotechnologies : catalyse et biocatalyse', Laboratoire de Synthèse Organique, Faculté des Sciences de Saint Jérôme, Université d"Aix-Marseille III, Avenue Escadrille Normandie-Niemen, 13397 Marseille Cedex 20, France, Email: henri.doucetuniv-cezanne.fr, m.santelliuniv-cezanne.fr
A. Battace, T. Zair, H. Doucet, M. Santelli, Synthesis, 2006, 3495-3505.
DOI: 10.1055/s-2006-950244
Tetraphosphine cis,cis,cis-1,2,3,4-tetrakis[(diphenylphosphino)methyl]cyclopentane (Tedicyp) is an efficient ligand for the Heck reaction of sulfur-containing alkenes with aryl bromides. The rates and yields of the reactions strongly depend on the oxidation state of the sulfur atom.
see article for more examples
M. Feuerstein, H. Doucet, M. Santelli, J. Org. Chem., 2001, 66, 5923-5925.
M. Lemhadri, A. Battace, F. Berthiol, T. Zair, H. Doucet, M. Santelli, Synthesis, 2008, 1142-1152.
Key Words
Heck Reaction, Vinyl Sulfones, Sulfoxides, Vinyl Sulfides
ID: J66-Y2006-3530