Multivalent Metal Salts as Versatile Catalysts for the Amidation of Long-Chain Aliphatic Acids with Aliphatic Amines
Yuji Terada, Noboru Ieda, Kenichi Komura, Yoshihiro Sugi*
*Department of Materials Science and Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Gifu University, Gifu 501-1193, Japan, Email:
Y. Terada, N. Ieda, K. Komura, Y. Sugi, Synthesis, 2008, 2318-2319.
DOI: 10.1055/s-2008-1067168
Multivalent metal salts, such as ferric chloride and sulfate, are active and versatile catalysts for the amidation of aliphatic fatty acids with long-chain aliphatic amines.
see article for more examples
FeCl3·6H2O as a Versatile Catalyst for the Esterification of Steroid Alcohols with Fatty Acids
K. Komura, A. Ozaki, N. Ieda, Y. Sugi, Synthesis, 2008, 3407-3410.
Key Words
multivalent metal salts, amidation, ferric chloride, long-chain aliphatic acid, aliphatic amine
ID: J66-Y2008-2090