A Facile and Practical Synthesis of N-Acetyl Enamides
Wenjun Tang*, Andrew Capacci, Max Sarvestani, Xudong Wei, Nathan K. Yee and Chris H. Senanayake
*Department of Chemical Development, Boehringer Ingelheim
Pharmaceuticals Inc., Ridgefield, Connecticut 06877, Email: wenjun.tangboehringer-ingelheim.com
W. Tang, A. Capacci, M. Sarvestani, X. Wei, N. K. Yee, C. H. Senanayake, J. Org. Chem., 2009, 74, 9528-9530.
DOI: 10.1021/jo902259u
A facile and practical method for the synthesis of N-acetyl α-arylenamides from the corresponding ketoximes with ferrous acetate as the reducing reagent offers mild reaction conditions, simple purification procedures, and high yields for a variety of N-acetyl enamides.
see article for more examples
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ID: J42-Y2009-3710