Mild and Catalytic Transesterification Reaction Using K2HPO4 for the Synthesis of Methyl Esters
Tetsuro Shinada*, Makoto Hamada, Kota Miyoshi, Masato Higashino, Taiki Umezawa, Yasufumi Ohfune*
*Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University, 3-3-138
Sugimoto, Sumiyoshi, Osaka 558-8585, Japan, Email:,
T. Shinada, M. Hamada, K. Miyoshi, M. Higahino, T. Umezawa, Y. Ohfune, Synlett, 2010, 2141-2145.
DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1258491
K2HPO4 is an efficient catalyst for transesterifications to produce methyl esters. Various functional groups are tolerated under the mild reaction conditions.
see article for more examples
Key Words
transesterification, K2HPO4, methyl ester, catalyst
ID: J60-Y2010-2520