TAPC-Promoted Oxidation of Sulfides and Deoxygenation of Sulfoxides
Kiumars Bahrami*, Mohammad M. Khodaei* and Mehdi Sheikh Arabi
*Department of Chemistry, Razi University, Kermanshah 67149-67346, Iran, Email: kbahrami2hotmail.com, mmkhodarazi.ac.ir
K. Bahrami, M. M. Khodaei, M. S. Arabi, J. Org. Chem., 2010, 75, 6208-6213.
DOI: 10.1021/jo1011784
1,3,5-Triazo-2,4,6-triphosphorine-2,2,4,4,6,6-hexachloride (TAPC) is an efficient promoter for the oxidation of sulfides and deoxygenation of sulfoxides. Excellent yields, short reaction time, easy and quick isolation of the products, solvent-free process, and excellent chemoselectivity are the main advantages of this procedure.
see article for more examples
Proposed Mechanism for the Oxidation of Sulfides
Proposed Mechanism for the Deoxygenation of Sulfoxides
TAPC-Promoted Synthesis of Sulfonyl Chlorides from Sulfonic Acids
K. Bahrami, Synlett, 2011, 2671-2674.
H2O2/Tf2O System: An Efficient Oxidizing Reagent for Selective Oxidation of Sulfanes
M. M. Khodaei, K. Bahrami, A. Karimi, Synthesis, 2008, 1682-1684.
K. Bahrami, M. M. Khodaei, A. Karimi, Synthesis, 2008, 2543-2546.
Key Words
Sulfoxides, Sulfones, Deoxygenation, Green Chemistry
ID: J42-Y2010-2540