Arylsilanes: Application to Gold-Catalyzed Oxyarylation of Alkenes
Liam T. Ball, Michael Green, Guy C. Lloyd-Jones* and Christopher A. Russell*
*School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, Cantock's Close,
Bristol, United Kingdom BS8 1TS, Email:,
L. T. Ball, M. Green G. C. Lloyd-Jones, C. A. Russel, Org. Lett., 2010, 12, 4724-4727.
DOI: 10.1021/ol1019162
Using commercially available Ph3PAuCl and readily prepared, benign arylsilanes, a gold-catalyzed oxyarylation of alkenes proceeds smoothly in air. The oxidant, Selectfluor, not only facilitates entry to the Au(I/III) manifold but also provides a fluoride anion for silane activation, thereby avoiding the need for addition of a stoichiometric base.
see article for more examples
Key Words
Arylation, Hydroxylation, Etherification, Selectfluor, Multicomponent Reactions
ID: J54-Y2010-2980