Organic Chemistry Portal



N-Bromosuccinimide Promoted One-Pot Synthesis of Guanidine: Scope and Mechanism

Ling Zhou, Jie Chen, Jing Zhou and Ying-Yeung Yeung*

*3 Science Drive 3, Department of Chemistry, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117543, Email:

L. Zhou, J. Chen, J. Zhou, Y.-Y. Yeung, Org. Lett., 2011, 13, 5804-5807.

DOI: 10.1021/ol202402y

see article for more reactions


A novel electrophilic one-pot reaction of an olefin, a cyanimide, an amine, and N-bromosuccinimide enables the synthesis of a number of guanidine derivatives with very good yields - including an rTRTVI precursor.

see article for more examples

N-Bromosuccinimide Initiated One-Pot Synthesis of Imidazoline

L. Zhou, J. Zhou, C. K. Tan, J. Chen, Y.-Y. Yeung, Org. Lett., 2011, 13, 2448-2451.

Key Words

2-Imidazolines, Guanidines, NBS, Multicomponent Reactions

ID: J54-Y2011-3190