Pyridine Is an Organocatalyst for the Reductive Ozonolysis of Alkenes
Rachel Willand-Charnley, Thomas J. Fisher, Bradley M. Johnson and Patrick H. Dussault*
*Department of Chemistry, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska 68588-0304, United States, Email:
R. Willand-Charnley, T. J. Fisher, B. M. Johnson, P. H. Dussault, Org. Lett., 2012, 14, 2242-2245.
DOI: 10.1021/ol300617r
Ozonolysis in the presence of pyridine directly generates ketones or aldehydes through a process that neither consumes pyridine nor generates any detectable peroxides. The reaction is hypothesized to involve nucleophile-promoted fragmentation of carbonyl oxides via formation of zwitterionic peroxyacetals.
see article for more examples
proposed mechanism
Ozonolysis in Solvent/Water Mixtures: Direct Conversion of Alkenes to Aldehydes and Ketones
C. E. Schiaffo, P. H. Dussault, J. Org. Chem., 2008, 73, 4688-4690.
Key Words
ID: J54-Y2012-1300