Microphotochemistry Using 5-mm Light-Emitting Diodes: Energy-Efficient Photooxidations
John M. Carney, Reagan J. Hammer, Martin Hulce*, Chad M. Lomas, Dayna Miyashiro
*Department of Chemistry, Creighton University, 2500 California Plaza, Omaha, NE 68178-0323, USA, Email: mhulcecreighton.edu
J. M. Carney, R. J. Hammer, M. Hulce, C. M. Lomas, D. Miyashiro, Synthesis, 2012, 44, 2560-2566.
DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1289764
see article for more reactions
Commercial, inexpensive 5-mm milliwatt light-emitting diodes are effective sources for batch microphotochemical oxidations using limited quantities of singlet oxygen. These atom economical oxidations are useful for labeling experiments with rare isotopes.
see article for more examples
Key Words
photooxidation, arenes, peroxides, photoreactors, light-emitting diodes
ID: J66-Y2012-2570