Rhodium-Catalyzed Chemo- and Regioselective Cross-Dimerization of Two Terminal Alkynes
Hua-Dong Xu*, Ren-Wei Zhang, Xiaoxun Li, Suyu Huang, Weiping Tang and Wen-Hao Hu
*Shanghai Engineering Research Centre of Molecular
Therapeutics and New Drug Development, East China Normal University, Shanghai,
200062, China, Email: huadongxugmail.com
H.-D. Xu, R.-W. Zhang, X. Li, S. Huang, W. Tang, W.-H. Hu, Org. Lett., 2013, 15, 840-843.
DOI: 10.1021/ol303531m
A rhodium catalyst enables a chemo- and regioselective cross-dimerization of terminal arylacetylenes with terminal propargylic alcohols or amides. This method features a convenient and atom economical access to functionalized enynes.
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ID: J54-Y2013-0430