Fast and Efficient Bromination of Aromatic Compounds with Ammonium Bromide and Oxone
Mameda Naresh, Macharla Arun Kumar, Marri Mahender Reddy, Peraka Swamy, Jagadeesh Babu Nanubolu, Nama Narender*
*I&PC Division, CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology,
Hyderabad 500 007, India, Email:
N. Naresh, M. A. Kumar, M. M. Reddy, P. Swamy, J. B. Nanubolu, N. Narender, Synthesis, 2013, 45, 1497-1504.
DOI: 10.1055/s-0033-1338431
A highly efficient, rapid and regioselective protocol for the ring bromination of aromatic compounds under mild conditions can be conducted with ammonium bromide as a source of bromine source and Oxone as an oxidant. Various aromatic compounds reacted smoothly to give the corresponding monobrominated products in good yields in very short reaction times.
see article for more examples
Bromination of Aromatic Compounds Using Ammonium Bromide and Oxone
M. A. Kumar, C. N. Rohitha, S. J. Kulkarni, N. Narender, Synthesis, 2010, 1629-1632.
Key Words
bromination, arenes, ammonium bromide, Oxone, regioselectivity
ID: J66-Y2013