Organic Chemistry Portal



Enantioselective Nucleophile-Catalyzed Synthesis of Tertiary Alkyl Fluorides via the α-Fluorination of Ketenes: Synthetic and Mechanistic Studies

Sarah Yunmi Lee, Stefan Neufeind and Gregory C. Fu*

*Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125, United States, Email:

S. Y. Lee, S. Neufeind, G. C. Fu, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2014, 136, 8899-8902.

DOI: 10.1021/ja5044209


A catalytic asymmetric coupling of aryl alkyl ketenes with commercially available N-fluorodibenzenesulfonimide (NFSI) and C6F5ONa furnishes tertiary α-fluoroesters. Mechanistic studies suggest that the addition of an external nucleophile (C6F5ONa) is critical for turnover, releasing the catalyst from an N-acylated intermediate.

see article for more examples

Key Words

α-fluoroesters, N-fluorobenzenesulfonimide

ID: J48-Y2014