Direct Synthesis of Pentafluoroethyl Copper from Pentafluoropropionate as an Economical C2F5 Source: Application to Pentafluoroethylation of Arylboronic Acids and Aryl Bromides
Hiroki Serizawa, Kohsuke Aikawa and Koichi Mikami*
*Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Science
and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, O-okayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo
152-8552, Japan, Email:
H. Serizawa, K. Aikawa, K. Mikami, Org. Lett., 2014, 16, 3456-3459.
DOI: 10.1021/ol501332g
see article for more reactions
Pentafluoroethyl copper (CuC2F5), which can be synthesized from a cuprate reagent and ethyl pentafluoropropionate in quantitative yield, is an economical and useful pentafluoroethyl source. The reagent was successfully applied to two types of pentafluoroethylations with arylboronic acids and aryl bromides.
see article for more examples
Key Words
ID: J54-Y2014