Organic Chemistry Portal



Iron-Catalyzed Oxidative Sulfonylation of Enol Acetates: An Environmentally Benign Approach to β-Keto Sulfones

Vinod K. Yadav, Vishnu P. Srivastava, Lal Dhar S. Yadav*

*Green Synthesis Lab, Department of Chemistry, University of Allahabad, Allahabad 211002, India, Email:

V. K. Yadav, V. P. Srivastava, L. D. S. Yadav, Synlett, 2016, 27, 427-431.

DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1560830


An iron-catalyzed sulfonylation of aryl enol acetates with sulfonyl hydrazides enables the construction of β-keto sulfones under aerobic conditions. This environmentally benign approach utilizes an inexpensive iron salt as the catalyst, readily available sulfonyl hydrazides as the sulfonylating reagents, and air as oxidant under mild conditions.

see article for more examples

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Key Words

oxygen, ketones, catalysis, addition, sulfonylation, β-keto sulfones

ID: J60-Y2016