Organic Chemistry Portal



Lewis Acid-Catalyzed Denitrogenative Transannulation of Pyridotriazoles with Nitriles: Synthesis of Imidazopyridines

Abhisek Joshi, Darapaneni Chandra Mohan and Subbarayappa Adimurthy*

*Academy of Scientific & Innovative Research, Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSIR), G.B. Marg, Bhavnagar, 364 002 Gujarat, India, Email:

A. Joshi, D. C. Mohan, S. Adimurthy, J. Org. Chem., 2016, 81, 9461-9469.

DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.6b01742

see article for more reactions


A denitrogenative transannulation of pyridotriazoles with nitriles using BF3·Et2O as catalyst provides imidazo[1,5-a]pyridines. The combination of solvents (dichlorobenzene-dichloroethane) plays a crucial role in achieving quantitative yields of desired products under metal-free conditions.

see article for more examples

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ID: J42-Y2016