Unmasking Amides: Ruthenium-Catalyzed Protodecarbonylation of N-Substituted Phthalimide Derivatives
Yu-Chao Yuan, Raghu Kamaraj, Christian Bruneau, Thierry Labasque, Thierry Roisnel and Rafael Gramage-Doria*
*Organometallics: Materials and Catalysis Laboratory,
Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes, UMR 6226, CNRS, Université de Rennes
1, 35042 Rennes, France, Email: rafael.gramage-doriauniv-rennes1.fr
Y.-C. Yuan, R. Kamaraj, C. Brunaeu, T. Labasque, T. Roisnel, R. Gramage-Doria, Org. Lett., 2017, 19, 6404-6407.
DOI: 10.1021/acs.orglett.7b03278
see article for more reactions
A ruthenium catalyst enables an unprecedented transformation of a wide range of phthalimides into amides in high yields and short reaction time in a single-step. The mechanism involces a unique, homogeneous pathway via five-membered ring opening and CO2 release with water as source of protons.
see article for more examples
proposed mechanism
Key Words
phthalimides, cleavage of imides
ID: J54-Y2017