POxAP Precatalysts and the Negishi Cross-Coupling Reaction
Shuang-Qi Tang, Martine Schmitt, Frédéric Bihel*
*Laboratoire d’Innovation Thérapeutique, Faculté de Pharmacie, UMR7200, Labex Médalis, CNRS, Université de Strasbourg, 74 Route du Rhin, 67412 Illkirch, France, Email: fbihelunistra.fr
S.-Q. Tang, M. Schmitt, F. Bihel, Synthesis, 2020, 52, 51-59.
DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1689937
see article for more reactions
Post-oxidative addition precatalysts (POxAPs) are very efficient in catalyzing Negishi reactions between organohalides and organozinc reagents. Using very low catalyst loadings, POxAPs show similar catalytic activities to those of classical precatalysts such as PEPPSI-IPr or XPhos Pd G4. POxAPs are easily prepared, stable to air and moisture, and tolerate a wide range of functional groups.
see article for more examples
Key Words
Negishi cross coupling reaction, benzylation
ID: J66-Y2020