NHC-Catalyzed Radical Trifluoromethylation Enabled by Togni Reagent
Bei Zhang, Qiupeng Peng, Donghui Guo and Jian Wang*
*School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China, Email: wangjian2012tsinghua.edu.cn
B. Zhang, Q. Peng, D. Guo, J. Wang, Org. Lett., 2020, 22, 443-447.
DOI: 10.1021/acs.orglett.9b04203
see article for more reactions
A carbene-catalyzed radical trifluoromethylation of olefins with aldehydes in the presence of Togni reagent provides β-trifluoromethyl-α-substituted ketones with a broad scope and good yields.
see article for more examples
Key Words
acylation, trifluoromethylation, multicomponent reactions, organocatalysis
ID: J54-Y2020