Chlorosilane-Catalyzed Coupling of Hydrogen Phosphine Oxides with Acyl Chlorides Generating Acylphosphine Oxides
Jian-Qiu Zhang and Li-Biao Han*
*National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8565, Japan, Email:
J.-Q. Zhang, L.-B. Han, Org. Lett., 2020, 22, 4633-4637.
DOI: 10.1021/acs.orglett.0c01384
see article for more reactions
Chlorosilanes mediate a direct coupling of hydrogen phosphine oxides and acyl chlorides for the synthesis of acylphosphine oxides. This new protocol is greener and safer, because it avoids the generation of volatile haloalkanes and the use of oxidants. Moreover, moisture-unstable acylphosphine oxides can also be generated.
see article for more examples
Key Words
ID: J54-Y2020