Organic Chemistry Portal



Tetrabutylammonium Bromide-Catalyzed Transfer Hydrogenation of Quinoxaline with HBpin as a Hydrogen Source

Qi Guo, Jingchao Chen*, Guoli Shen, Guangfu Lu, Xuemei Yang, Yan Tang, Yuanbin Zhu, Shiyuan Wu and Baomin Fan*

*Key Laboratory of Advanced Synthetic Chemistry (Yunnan Minzu University), State Ethnic Affairs Commission, Kunming 650500, China, Email:,

Q. Guo, J. Chen, G. Shen, G. Lu, X. Yang, Y. Tang, Y. Zhu, S. Wu, B. Fan, J. Org. Chem., 2022, 87, 540-546.

DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.1c02537

see article for more reactions


The use of HBpin as a hydrogen source enables a metal-free environmentally benign, simple, and efficient transfer hydrogenation process of quinoxalines to provide the desired tetrahydroquinoxalines in good yields in the presence of Bu4NBr as a noncorrosive and low-cost catalyst.

see article for more examples

proposed reaction pathway

Key Words

tetrahydroquinoxalines, pinacolborane

ID: J42-Y2022