Organic Chemistry Portal



Merging Grubbs second-generation catalyst with photocatalysis enables Z-selective metathesis of olefins: scope, limitations, and mechanism

Saïf Eddine Chérif, Avisek Ghosh, Saloua Chelli, Isabelle M. Dixon*, Jamil Kraiem and Sami Lakhdar*

*CNRS, Université Paul Sabatier, 118 Route de Narbonne, 31062 Cedex 09 Toulouse, France, Email:,

S. E. Chérif, A. Ghosh, S. Chelli, I. M. Dixon, J. Kraiemb, S. Lakhdar, J. Org. Chem., 2022, 87, 12065-12070.

DOI: 10.1039/d2sc03961c

see article for more reactions


The combination of E-selective olefine metathesis with an in situ photocatalyst-medidated E to Z isomerisation enables the exclusive formation of Z-isomers. While light is mostly absorbed by the photocatalyst, a diffusion-controlled back electron transfer restores the Grubbs catalyst following a possible oxidation by the photocatalyst.

see article for more examples


Key Words

cross metathesis, alkene isomerization, photochemistry

ID: JXX-Y2022