One-Pot Synthesis of Chromone-2-carboxylate Scaffold: An Important Pharmacophore with Diverse Biological Properties
Satyanarayana Tummanapalli*, Shiva Kumar Punna, Kali Charan Gulipalli, Srinivas Endoori, Srinu Bodige, Anil Kumar Pommidi, Srinivas Medaboina, Suresh Choppadandi, Ravi Boya, Vijay Kumar Ganapathi, Devender Yadav Mamindla, Ramesh Konakalla, Gopala Krishna Bodala, Mahendar Reddy Bakangari, Sainath Dharmavaram Kottam, Dilip Jarikote, Taterao Potewar and Muralikrishna Valluri
*Curia India Pvt. Ltd, Plot # 9, MN Park, Turkapally, Shameerpet, Genome Valley, RR District, Hyderabad 500 078, India,
S. Tummanapalli, S. K. Punna, K. C. Gulipalli, S. Endoori, S. Bodige, A. K. Pommidi, S. Medaboina, S. Choppadandi, R. Boya, V. K. Ganapathi, D. Y. Mamindla, R. Konakalla, G. K. Bodala, M. R. Bakangari, S. D. Kottam, D. Jarikote, T. Potewar, M. Valluri, J. Org. Chem., 2023, 88, 8387-8399.
DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.3c00407
A facile one-pot transformation of 2-fluoroacetophenones provides chromone-2-carboxylates in a single step via a tandem C-C and C-O bond formation. This methodology can serve as a promising alternative tool for finding new bioactive chromones with diverse modifications due to the opportunity to use new raw materials.
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ID: J42-Y2023