Organic Chemistry Portal



Transition Metal-Catalyzed Hydro-, Sila-, and Stannastannation of Cyclopropenes: Stereo- and Regioselective Approach toward Multisubstituted Cyclopropyl Synthons

Marina Rubina, Michael Rubin and Vladimir Gevorgyan*

*Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois at Chicago, 845 West Taylor Street, Chicago, Illinois 60607-7061, Email:

M. Rubina, M. Rubin, V. Gevorgyan, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2002, 124, 11566-11567.

DOI: 10.1021/ja027095k

see article for more reactions

see article for more examples


Highly efficient, stereo- and regioselective palladium-catalyzed hydro-, sila-, and stannastannations of cyclopropenes gave multisubstituted cyclopropylstannanes. The addition across the double bond proceeds from the least hindered face.

see article for more examples

Catalytic Enantioselective Hydrostannation of Cyclopropenes

M. Rubina, M. Rubin, V. Gevorgyan, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2004, 126, 3688-3689.

Catalytic Enantioselective Hydroboration of Cyclopropenes

M. Rubina, M. Rubin, V. Gevorgyan, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2003, 125, 7198-7199.

Key Words

Stannanes, Silanes

ID: J48-Y2002-1290