Eco-friendly Oxidative Iodination of Various Arenes with a Urea-Hydrogen Peroxide Adduct (UHP) as the Oxidant
Piotr Lulinski, Anna Kryska, Maciej Sosnowski, Lech Skulski*
*Chair and Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical University, 1 Banacha Street, 02-097 Warsaw, Poland, Email:
P. Lulinski, A. Kryska, M. Sosnowski, L. Skulski, Synthesis, 2004, 441-445.
DOI: 10.1055/s-2004-815955
Eco-friendly laboratory procedures allow the oxidative iodination of various activated and deactivated arenes with molecular iodine, in the presence of UHP (percarbamide), a stable, strongly H-bonded, solid urea-hydrogen peroxide adduct as the oxidant.
see article for more examples
The relatively inexpensive, and eco-friendly iodinating procedures presented in this paper gave mono- or diiodinated products from some highly activated arylamines, benzene, halobenzenes, and several activated and deactivated arenes in moderate or good yields. Particularly interesting are iodination experiments with arylamines and moderately deactivated arenes, except nitrobenzene. It is also of importance that no strongly toxic wastes are left after completing the oxidative iodination reactions reported in this paper
Key Words
iodoarenes, arenes, halogenation, iodine, peroxides, urea-hydrogen peroxide adduct
ID: J66-Y2004-1960