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Facile Palladium-Mediated Conversion of Ethanethiol Esters to Aldehydes and Ketones

Hidetoshi Tokuyama, Satoshi Yokoshima, Tohru Yamashita, Shao-Cheng Lin, Leping Li and Tohru Fukuyama*

*Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan, Email:

H. Tokuyama, S. Yokoshima, T. Yamashita, S.-C. Lin, L. Li, T. Fukuyama, J. Braz. Chem. Soc., 1998, 9, 381-387.

DOI: 10.1590/S0103-50531998000400011

see article for more examples


Treatment of ethanethiol esters with triethylsilane and palladium on carbon at ambient temperature furnished aldehydes. In addition, a variety of ketones has been prepared by a palladium-catalyzed reaction of ethanethiol esters with organozinc reagents. Both transformations tolerate various functional groups, including esters, ketones, aromatic halides and aldehydes.

see article for more examples

Reduction of Ethanethiol Esters to Aldehydes

H. Tokuyama, S. Yokoshima, S.-C. Lin, L. Li, T. Fukuyama, Synthesis, 2002, 1121-1123.

Key Words

thioesters, aldehydes, ketones, triethylsilane, organozinc reagents, palladium catalysts, Fukuyama Coupling, Fukuyama Reduction

ID: JXX-Y1998-180