Organic Chemistry Portal



LiClO4 Accelerated Michael addition of amines to α,β-unsaturated olefins under solvent-free conditions

Najmedin Azizi and Mohammad R. Saidi*

*Department of Chemistry, Sharif University of Technology, P.O. Box 11365-9516, Tehran 11365, Iran, Email:

N. Azizi, M. R. Saidi, Tetrahedron, 2004, 60, 383-387.

DOI: 10.1016/j.tet.2003.11.012


The addition of primary and secondary amines to α,β-unsaturated esters, nitriles, amides, and ketones mediated by solid lithium perchlorate gave the corresponding saturated amines under solvent-free and environmentally friendly conditions at room temperature.

see article for more examples

Silicon Tetrachloride Catalyzed Aza-Michael Addition of Amines to Conjugated Alkenes under Solvent-Free Conditions

N. Azizi, R. Baghi, H. Ghafuri, M. Boloutchian, M. Hashemi, Synlett, 2010, 379-382.

Key Words

Michael Addition, β-Amino Esters, Amines, α,β-Unsaturated olefins, Lithium perchlorate

ID: J72-Y2004-260