Stereospecific and Stereoselective Preparation of 2-(1-Hydroxyalkyl)-1-alkylcyclopropanols from α,β-Epoxy Ketones and Bis(iodozincio)methane
Kenichi Nomura, Koichiro Oshima, Seijiro Matsubara*
*Department of Material Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoutodaigaku-Katsura, Nishikyo, Kyoto, Email:
K. Nomura, K. Oshima, S. Matsubara, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2005, 44, 5860-5863.
DOI: 10.1002/anie.200501644
A diastereofacial selective attack of epoxy ketones by bis(iodozincio)methane leads to 2-(1-hydroxyalkyl)-1-alkylcyclopropanols in good yields. The dizinc reagent, which acts as an effective bidentate Lewis acid, is easily prepared from diiodomethane and zinc powder.
see article for more examples
Key Words
diastereoselectivity, epoxy ketones, small ring systems, cyclopropanols, zinc
ID: J06-Y2005-1410