Categories: Organic Chemistry >> Synthesis, Biocatalysis
Handbook of Green Chemistry - Green Catalysis
Paul T. Anastas, Robert H. Crabtree
Hardcover, 1082 Pages
First Edition, 2009
ISBN: 978-3-527-31577-2
In a world where the emphasis has shifted to being as Green and
environmentally friendly as possible, leads to the requirement of this important
3-book set of the Handbook of Green Chemistry edited by the father and pioneer
of Green Chemistry, Professor Paul Anastas.
This series summarises the significant body of work that has accumulated over
the past decade that details the breakthroughs, innovation and creativity within
Green Chemistry and Engineering.
Edited by the well-known chemist, Professor Robert Crabtree, never before has the subject of green catalysis been so thoroughly covered. Set 1 comprises of 3 books, with each volume focussing on a different area; Homogeneous Catalysis, Heterogeneous Catalysis and Biocatalysis.
An essential collection for anyone wishing to gain an understanding of the world of green chemistry and for a variety of chemists, environmental agencies and chemical engineers.
Editorial Review
It is a given that humankind must manage its resources wisely, and that the chemical industry has taken sustainability into account. If “Green Chemistry” is taken as a philosophy and its principles followed, manufacturing processes that are more sustainable will emerge and needn’t necessarily cost more. Catalysts that are recyclable, for example, are better for the environment on the one hand because heavy metals are not discarded as waste or remain as toxic impurities in the product, and on the other hand reduce catalyst costs.
The question here is whether the book "Green Catalysis" can clarify the principles of Green Chemistry, and whether the work can impart a broad body of knowledge of green chemical processes. "Green Catalysis" is thus three books from a set of twelve, from which three books each cover the following other subjects: Green Solvents, Green Processes, and Green Products. The scope alone suggests that a multitude of facts will be provided. Consideration of the first three books on the topic of "Green Catalysis" confirms this assumption. In principle, one has here a reference work that contains numerous contributions by authors who address the most disparate topics. Although an introduction is provided, it offers too little detail for the work to be considered a textbook. However, there are other reasons the book makes rather heavy fare for students and interested readers, since the collection of topics is somewhat uneven, which only goes to show how broad a scope covered by the subject of Green Chemistry. Up to 95% of the content deals with synthetic methods, so that the remaining 5% will be viewed by synthesis chemists as interesting add-ons, for example the subjects of solar cells or bioremediation.
However, the inhomogeneous orientation predominates even within the reaction-based topics. Some cases concern ready-to-run, green production processes, while others involve methods that can only be implemented in the laboratory. Also covered are research topics that no one could ever claim will result in a green production process in the next few years. For example, one case describes improvements in the atom economy of starting materials while the reaction is carried out in 1,2-dichlorethane. In any case, this is only one example from a multitude of information and ideas that are overall quite absorbing provided one has interest in the specific field.
The greatest strength of "Green Catalysis", and presumably also of the entire set (Handbook of Green Chemistry), lies in the fact that researchers can identify paths to solve specific problems of interest. In this way, the series offers a large pool of well-digested, detailed knowledge that can always be called on again when needed. For these reasons, the best home for "Green Catalysis" and especially the complete series "Handbook of Green Chemistry" is in the libraries of the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. Their purchase will most advantageous where and when scale-up or process development work is being done.
Atom Economy
Catalysis Involving Fluorous Phases: Fundamentals and Directions for Greener
Chemistry and Applications of Iron-TAML Catalysts in Green Oxidation Processes
Based on Hydrogen Peroxide
Microwave-Accelerated Homogeneous Catalysis in Water
Ionic Liquids and Catalysis: The IFP Biphasic Difasol Process
Immobilisation and Compartmentalisation of Homogeneous Catalysis
Industrial Applications of Homogeneous Enantioselective Catalysts
Hydrogenation for C-C Bond Formation
Organocatalysis (Overview)
Palladacycles in Catalysis
Homogeneous Catalyst Design for the Synthesis of Aliphatic Polycarbonates and
Catalysis in High Temperature Water
Zeolites in Catalysis
Sol-Gel Sulphonic Acid Silicas as Catalysts
Applications of Environmentally-Friendly TiO2 Photocatalysts in Green Chemistry
Nanoparticles in Green Catalysis
"Heterogreeneous" Chemistry
Surface Bound Heterogeneous Catalysts via Surface Bound Organometallic and
Inorganic Complexes
Sustainable Heterogeneous Acid Catalysis by Heteropoly Acids
TiO2 Based Solar Cells Sensitized by Metal Complexes (Overview)
Automative Emission Control: Past, Present and Future
Heterogeneous Catalysis for Hydrogen Production
High Throughput Screening of Catalyst Libraries for Emissions Control
Catalytic Conversion of High-Moisture Biomass to Synthetic Natural Gas in
Supercritical Water
Catalysis with Cytochrome P450 Monooxygenases
Biocatalytic Hydrolysis of Nitriles
Biocatalytic Processes Using Ionic Liquids and Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
Thiamine-Based Enzymes for Biotransformations
Baeyer-Villiger Monooxygenases in Organic Synthesis
Bioreduction by Microorganisms
Biotransformations and the Pharma Industry
Hydrogenases and Alternative Energy Strategies
PAH Bioremediation by Microbial Communities and Enzymatic Activities.