Categories: S-H Bond Formation >
Reduction of sulfonyl chlorides
Recent Literature
A reduction of sulfonyl chlorides in the presence of triphenylphosphine in
toluene enables an efficient and convenient method for the synthesis of
E. V. Bellale, M. K. Chaudhari, K. G. Akamanchi, Synthesis, 2009,
An organophosphorus-catalyzed umpolung reaction achieves the deoxygenation of
sulfonyl chlorides and alcohols/acids to synthesize thioethers/thioesters driven
by PIII/PV=O redox cycling. This operationally simple
approach uses a stable phosphine oxide as a precatalyst and shows broad
functional group tolerance.
G. Sun, J. Li, X. Liu, Y. Liu, X. Wen, H. Sun, Q.-L. Xu, J. Org. Chem., 2023, 88,
An organophosphorus-catalyzed umpolung reaction achieves the deoxygenation of
sulfonyl chlorides and alcohols/acids to synthesize thioethers/thioesters driven
by PIII/PV=O redox cycling. This operationally simple
approach uses a stable phosphine oxide as a precatalyst and shows broad
functional group tolerance.
G. Sun, J. Li, X. Liu, Y. Liu, X. Wen, H. Sun, Q.-L. Xu, J. Org. Chem., 2023, 88,